
From The Whereabouts

Basic Information

Name: Tiamat
Age: 109
Type: Dragon-Blooded Exalt
Player: NPC
Aspect: Air
Concept: Member of the Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Motivation: Show that the Terrestrial Exalted, even on and individual level, are on equal footing with Celestial Exalts. To prove this he will take hits regardless of their challenge, so far he's yet to fail.
Political Affiliation: The Hallowed Order of the Grass Spiders
Anima: His anima flares with a metallic black light that darkens the sky, as it turns totemic a long black mamba appears coiled at his feet eventually building until it lashes out at those around him.
Likes: Training, Snakes, Shogunate Age History, Poetry, Glass Blowing, Gateway, Red Meat & Eggs.
Dislikes: Celestial Exalts, Laziness, Vegetables, Auctioneers.


Tiamat is the son of the dynast ambassador to Chiaroscuro, the highest ranking non-military official in the city from The Realm since there is no satrap. Tiamat is the eldest son and has always held great promise, he excelled in the relatively modest schooling available in the Threshold. His father did not allow him to leave to pursue a better education in The Realm fearing that the ever greedy House Ragara would attempt to keep him there permanently. However, eventually the opportunities of The Blessed Isle were too great to ignore and he decided to attend The House of Bells for his secondary education.

Despite initial troubles adjusting to life on The Isle he exceeded the lofty expectations and upon graduation he was sought after by all sections of The Thousand Scales. It came as no surprise that he chose to join the legions were he served as an officer for several years. He experienced great success, especially in his campaigns in the threshold where he had a greater familiarity than most officers. However, as he began to rise in rank a rumor began to spread through his legion that he was a double-agent for the All Seeing Eye, helping them with internal investigations. He was unofficially asked to resign by his commanding officer and of course the All Seeing Eye would not say anything either way, so instead of fighting a losing battle he did as he was asked and returned to Chiaroscuro to the closet thing he knew to home.

He could have taken some time to relax, like many dynasts did after graduation from their academy, but Tiamat refused to remain idle. He began working within his father's organization, independent of the garrison stationed there to root out growing security threats believed to be related to the anathema. Over a two year period he investigated and eventually rooted out a lunar led crime syndicate, with his father's help a Wyld Hunt was called and led by Tiamat. After the mission the Wyld Hunt decided to recruit him to become a full time huntsmen, a job that he excelled at throughout the south for many years.

Finally, one of his missions went poorly and his hunting party was slaughtered by another powerful celestial exalt, Tiamat survived and swore revenege. However, the Wyld Hunt continued to make excuses for not pursuing the mission further or with a more expereinced hunting party which Tiamat blamed on their fear of the exalt. Angered he left the organization, intending to do so only long enough to get his revenege. He ended up hiring on the help of The Grass Spiders who were willing to make a rare exception and allow him to work with, secretly they had long had their eyes on him as a recruit. Rizuka and Iron Shatters Oak were sent on the mission which turned out to be a success; Tiamat was impressed with their courage and strength and when they asked him to return with them he was convinced to go along. It was the start of a friendship and a long career as a Grass Spider.

Tiamat operates as one of the primary recruiters of new members into the organization, frequently traveling throughout the threshold and even the Blessed Isle to seek out new talent. Along with that he also typically breaks the new recruits into the rigorous training regimen that is expected of a Grass Spider. He carries with him a series of Jade Swords crafter by Iron Shatters Oak, all shaped identically these swords are very unique artifacts. Each sword has the property of a different type of daiklave but appears to be exactly the same as any of the other blades, most of his opponents find it incredibly disorienting and he commonly duel wields to gain the advantages of numerous daiklave types.