Galnor Wynova

From The Whereabouts

Name: Galnor Wynova
Age: 59
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Homeworld: Ralltiir
Position: New Republic Chief of State

Physical Description

Galnor Wynova is a tall individual, standing 6'6". He has thick, greyed hair that has grown out just below shoulder length. He occasionally wears it in a pony-tail, but only for formal occasions, banquets, and the like.


Galnor Wynova was born into a family of great wealth in Ralltiir. He came from a long line of influential politicians and businessmen, and his family was widely believed to be the richest family on the planet. Galnor was born and raised in the capital city of Cambrielle, but attended a highly regarded business school Grallia. He began working in the financial services industry and used the political influence from his family to rise up the management chain. He became CEO of a large banking institution. The company, at his helm, was widely credited for supporting the high tech services industry and a long-term economic boom that followed after the fall of the Empire and the rise of the New Republic.

Riding a wave of popularity and a mass of wealth, Galnor entered Ralltiir politics and in 12 ABY became the representative for the planet in the New Republic Senate. After serving as a Senator for 11 years, he ran for Chief of State. In 23 ABY he narrowly defeated Borsk Fey'lya, the Senator from Bothawui, and became the fourth person to ever hold the position. He succeeded Leia Organa Solo who retired from politics.


Galnor is a believer in the power of a bureaucracy. His management style is that of delegation - he trusts his appointees to make the best decisions based on the direction he gives them. He is direct and somewhat confrontational - he will tackle a crisis head on and does not like to play political games with sensitive subjects. He has a brilliant political mind and knows when to be calculating. As with any politician, he can at times be misleading or downright dishonest, but that is not his general demeanor and such behavior is usually targeted at his enemies in politics.

He has a tendency to stress himself out during high-pressure situations and crisis will keep him up at night until they are subdued or resolved. He has a tendency to second-guess himself at times, but he keeps these thoughts internal only to him, while projecting an outward confidence. The shoes of Mon Mothma and Leia Organa Solo are big shoes to fill, and at a crucial time of peace and prosperity in the New Republic he knows the stakes for his legacy are high. He does not want to be remembered as a leader who hindered the explosive progress of the NR.