
From The Whereabouts
Revision as of 08:39, 20 March 2008 by Olaf (talk | contribs)

Basic Info

Name: Dan (Mun)
Age: 20
Concept: Storyteller
Political Affiliation: College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Anima: The Shaper (see the John Gardner novel, Grendel)
Motivation: Find a way to play Exalted every day and still maintain a relatively productive lifestyle

Weapon of Choice: Grim 1,2-diol Cleaver
Armor of Choice: Molozonide Shell
Fighting Style: Illogical Halogen Induction-Resonance Paradox Style


Dan is the primary Exalted storyteller. He's currently pursuing a major in Chemistry and minor in Computer Science, but would major in Citrine Poxes of Contagion Style if it were offered at OSU. His motivation for playing Exalted is his overwhelming hope that he is, in fact, part of this world, and will awaken from a Mists-of-Eventide-induced-coma in due time. Shockingly, he also enjoys most RPGs, especially the Final Fantasy series. His favorite is Tactics, though his second favorite is a matter of much internal debate. Counter-Strike: Source and TF2 are enjoyed as well.

Science is his excuse to do cool shit in the real world. Given the chance, he'd instead happily play host to an Exalted shard and run off to slay a behemoth, daiklave in hand.


  • I've made my peace with piercing damage; it's hear to stay, and I've accepted that. It is, however, fate's last cruel revenge that dire lances shall remain relegated to standard damage, despite their overwhelming tendency to... well, pierce things.
  • The mass combat system is hellishly broken, and not just in the sense that you can abuse it if you want to. It actually doesn't account for commanders who want to split a group within a given magnitude range up into smaller groups still within that magnitude range, which is a fairly common scenario, especially for medium size groups conducting guerrilla attacks.
  • To White Wolf: Dude, we know it's high fantasy and you don't want us to piss around with exact money calculations, but it totally ruins the mood to have an NPC merchant say, "Well that'll cost you about Resources 2 worth of jade." GIVE US NUMBERS TO CORRELATE TO RESOURCES DOTS.
  • In a rare turn of events, I actually think Exalted charges too much for a powerful item. I just don't think artifact Superheavy Plate, as awesome as it is, is Artifact 5 awesome. I'd give it artifact 4. Just a thought, though. House ruling will follow pending discussion with players.