Sultan Pepper

From The Whereabouts
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No sooner had Maiden arrived at the gates of Nod than she detected a growing volume of crackling Essence just in front of her person. A lack of signal from any of Maiden's threat sensors indicated that whoever perpetrated this trickery, they seemingly meant Maiden no harm. As the crackling Essence took the shape of a small butterfly and fluttered to her eye level, Maiden recognized an Infallible Messenger -- she'd seen many sorcerers perform the spell and knew its purpose. She listened for whatever the sprite might have to say.

"Entropy Devouring Maiden, I am Aanya Asadhi, chief astronomer at the Royal Nodian Observatory and first cousin to His Royal Highness Sultan Balin Asadhi. His Royal Highness humbly requests your presence at a private audience. The palace staff would be delighted to welcome you at sunset on the eve of the next full moon. Should any of your esteemed colleagues wish to join you, their presence would be most welcomed."

The butterfly hovered for a moment longer before silently dissipating as quickly as it had appeared.


The king's audience chamber was not an unfamiliar location for the Rangor brothers. A grand affair decorated with the spoils of unending war, the room was just large enough to permit a socially acceptable distance between the king and his usual guests. The brothers, along with Princess Nimue and Sour Buckthorn, sat closer to the king, gathered around a small table upon a raised platform in the room.

"We stand on the precipice of a true _end_ to the war with Vaneha. Today, the conflict remains a stalemate, but our neighbors to the west have presented us with an unprecedented opportunity: The isolationist kingdom of Nod has opened its gates to the intrepid, the brave, and... the brash."

King Meliodas spoke with an authority befitting his station, although his confidence faltered a bit as he turned his gaze to the Exalt whose presence inspired the "brash" portion of his monologue. Turning his gaze back from Sour, he continued.

"The Kingdom of Nod has been protected from conflict by its unique structure as much as its political isolationism and has had decades to accrue both military and arcane power. I have asked my daughter to travel to Nod and find a suitable suitor, that our kingdoms may be allied through blood. I would ask the Rangor brothers to accompany Princess Nimue again as her escort."

The king stopped momentarily to let the request sink in, giving Nimue just enough time to sigh. Although she understood the realities of political marriage and her station, she wasn't excited about it.

"However, beyond ensuring Nimue's safety in what is certain to be a volatile time for Nod, I would ask that each of you make use of your unique talents in service of Orissa. Romael - do what you can to seek a military alliance with the kingdom. With their might, it would be trivial to end the war with Vaneha. Cetus - while your brother explores the official channels, canvas the underworld. Nod contains _many_ secrets, and you are best positioned to discovery them, whether they be allies of a less... official nature or arcane artifacts that might bring glory to our kingdom."

After a moment's pause, the king finished with one final request.

"Assuming you accept your charge, please take Sour with you."